Karen Nicholson ()
I am the Manager, Information Literacy, at the University of Guelph, and a sessional lecturer at Western’s Faculty of Information and Media Studies. I hold a PhD from Western, and an MLIS and MA, both from McGill. I have worked at several universities in Quebec and Ontario, and was a facilitator with the ACRL’s Information Literacy Immersion programs from 2011-2018. My research focuses on academic libraries, higher education, information literacy, and time/space. I primarily use critical/theoretical/humanistic approaches, but I have also done qualitative and mixed methods research in the past. In my other life, I teach fitness classes, I love to travel, and I will always stop to pet your cat or dog.
Some recent publications:
Nicholson, K. P. (2019). “Being in time”: New public management, academic librarians, and the temporal labor of pink-collar public service work. Library Trends68(2), 130–152. Retrieved from https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/746743
Nicholson, K. P. (2019). On the space/time of information literacy, higher education, and the global knowledge economy. Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, 2(2), 1–31. https://doi.org/10.24242/jclis.v2i1.86
Nicholson, K. P., Pagowsky, N., & Seale, M. (2019). Just-in-time or just-in-case? Time, learning analytics, and the academic library. Library Trends, 68(1), 54–75. https://doi.org/10.1353/lib.2019.0030
Nicholson, K. P., & Seale, M. (Eds.) (2018). The politics of theory and the practice of critical librarianship. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press.
Lindsey Sikora ()
I am a Research Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I obtained my Masters of Information Studies from the University of Toronto, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and my Bachelors of Science (Hons.) in Behavioural Neuroscience from Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. I am currently a PhD student at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Education, in the Health Professions Education stream. I have vast experience working collaboratively with many research groups on scoping, rapid and systematic reviews within the areas of medicine and health sciences. I’ve worked with mixed methods and quantitative data, and am beginning to use qualitative data for my dissertation. On the social side of things, a short summary: a) I probably depend on coffee way too much; b) I am HUGE fan of Batman and BatGirl; and c) I love dad jokes. LOVE THEM.
Some recent publications:
Ayala, A. P., Sikora, L., Kirtley, S., Labelle, P. R., & Lenton, E. (2019, March 7). Challenges and facilitators for early career researchers completing systematic or scoping reviews in the health sciences: A scoping review. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/ZDM3C
Sikora, L., Fournier, K., & Rebner, J. (2019). Exploring the impact of individualized research consultations using pre and posttesting in an academic library: A mixed methods study. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 14(1), 2-21. https://doi.org/10.18438/eblip29500
Fournier, K., & Sikora, L. (2017). How Canadian librarians practice and assess individualized research consultations in academic libraries: a nationwide survey. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 00–00. https://doi.org/10.1108/PMM-05-2017-0022
Sean Luyk ()
I’m a Digital Projects Librarian, formerly Music Librarian at the University of Alberta Library in Edmonton, AB. I’ve been an academic librarian since 2011, and prior to that spent some time working in information management at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. I have a B.Mus and MA (Music Criticism) from McMaster University, and an MLIS from Western. I’ve been involved as Co-I/Collaborator on a number of successful grant-funded research projects that touch on music information/practice (e.g. Sounds of Home, Resounding Culture) and sound in the digital humanities (SpokenWeb), often occupying a mixed (and confusing!) dual-role as a practitioner and researcher. I’m writing a book on music research data management (with Amy Jackson) that’s coming out soon, and am getting more serious about taking a research leave and/or pursuing a PhD as every day passes! My research program focuses broadly on how sound and listening are used by humanities researchers to create knowledge and investigates ways that virtual research environments and digital libraries support, supplement, transform, or interrupt audio based research. I have some experience with qualitative methods, although my true passion is for critical/theoretical/historical research, and hope to find ways to do more research using those approaches. I also have side interests in library governance and academic status.
Some recent publications:
Revitt, Eva and Sean Luyk. “The Role of Library Councils in Canadian Higher Education: An Exploratory Study.” Canadian Journal of Higher Education 49/1 (April 2019).
Doi, Carolyn, and Sean Luyk. “Sounds of Home: A Survey of Local Music Collection Management Practices in Canadian Libraries.” CAML Review / Revue de L’ACBM, vol. 47 no. 1 (2019): 11-47. http://dx.doi.org/10.25071/1708-6701.40344.
Jackson, Amy and Sean Luyk. Music Research Data Management: A Guide for Librarians (monograph, A-R Editions). Forthcoming, estimated publication date March, 2020.
Revitt, E., & Luyk, S. (2016). Library councils and governance in Canadian university libraries: A critical review. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship, 1(1), 60–79.
Cory Laverty ()
The past 5 years I worked at Queen’s Centre for Teaching and Learning as an educational developer where I led a campus initiative on educational research. Research areas I’ve explored include: student perceptions of inquiry-based learning (ethnography, participant observation, group interviews, survey); how a community of practice supports learning (feedback analysis); librarian impact in reference consultations (dialogue, video, concept mapping); student views of inclusivity (survey, interviews); how educational research supports quality assurance (document analysis); and approaches to decolonizing information literacy (learning journals). I serve as senior editor of the Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education and as a member of the Queen’s General Research Ethics Board. My PhD is in Information Science but my true love is playing cello and walking my three dogs.
Some recent publications:
Dalgarno, N., Laverty, C., Soleas, E., Egan, R., & van Wylick, R. (2020). Participant perceptions of the faculty development Educational Research Series. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 8(1), 221-245.
Kolomitro, K., Laverty, C., & Lee, E. (2020). Making learning visible: Research methods to uncover learning processes. In N. Fenton & W. Ross (Eds.), Critical reflections in research on teaching and learning. Boston: Brill Publishers. Forthcoming.
Laverty, C., & Saleh, N, (2019). Cultivating a librarians’ community of practice: A reflective case study. In The grounded instruction librarian: Participating in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Washington, DC: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Kolomitro, K., Laverty, C., & Stockley, D. (2018). Sparking SoTL: Triggers and stories from one institution. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(1), Article 10.
Robin Parker ()
I’m the Evidence Synthesis Librarian at the W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library at Dalhousie University and have been a health sciences librarian since graduating with my MLIS from Dalhousie’s School of Information Management 10 years ago. Prior to librarianship, I pursued diverse studies including General Science and History (with a history of medicine thesis) and divergent careers in massage therapy and baking. More recently, I have focused my research on knowledge synthesis methods (especially search methods) and how knowledge synthesis methods are taught. I am concentrating on research in the latter area for an interdisciplinary PhD at Dalhousie. I enjoy teaching evidence-based practice to residents and medical students and knowledge synthesis methods to learners across the university (but mostly health). Ongoing projects include a survey of library users on the impact of research consultations with health sciences librarians, a LGBTQ+ search filter development and validation project, and a qualitative case study examining the experiences of graduate students in a systematic review methods course. I’m currently working on my PhD proposal, which is a multiple methods study (environmental scan and ethnographic case studies) examining the role and impact of librarian-mediated knowledge synthesis instruction. In addition to the papers below, I am co-author on a number of scoping and systematic reviews.
Some recent publications:
Parker RM, Boulos LM, Visintini S, Ritchie K, Hayden J. Environmental scan and evaluation of best practices for online systematic review resources. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA. 2018 Apr;106(2):208.
Parker RM, Neilson MJ. Lost in translation: Supporting learners to search comprehensively across databases. Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association/Journal de l’Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada. 2015 Aug 1;36(2):54-8.
Carolyn Doi ()
I am the Music and Education Librarian at the University of Saskatchewan Library, in Saskatoon, SK. I worked as a Liaison Librarian at the Marvin Duchow Music Library at McGill University and in 2011, I accepted the position of Music and Education Librarian at University of Saskatchewan Library. In my position at the U of S, a significant portion of my time includes designing a required research methods course for undergraduate music students. I have experience with synthesis reviews, by way of collaboration and consultation with health sciences and education researchers at the U of S, and with qualitative systematic reviews in my own research. I am a member of the Centre for Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP) at the University of Saskatchewan. I was part of a team that developed a research synthesis toolkit and strategy for the U of S Libraries. My research portfolio includes experience with qualitative and mixed-methods research on topics related to music collections, music and place, and special collections. Currently, I am on a research sabbatical (until July 1, 2020), which is focussed primarily on work as a PI for the Sounds of Home project. Sounds of Home is funded by a SSHRC-IDG grant and has also received grant funding from the University of Saskatchewan. Beginning with case studies on local collections and a qualitative systematic review, the project now includes survey and qualitative interviews as data collection methods, and content analysis and geo-visualization as analysis tools.
Some recent publications:
Doi, Carolyn. “Local Music Collections in Cultural Heritage Institutions: A Qualitative Systematic Review.” Fontes Artis Musicae 65, no. 4 (December 2018): 199–229.
Doi, Carolyn, and Sean Luyk. “Sounds of Home: A Survey of Local Music Collection Management Practices in Canadian Libraries.” CAML Review / Revue de l’ACBM 46, no. 3 (2018).
Doi, Carolyn. “Connecting Music and Place: Exploring Library Collection Data Using Geo-Visualizations.” Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 12, no. 2 (June 29, 2017): 36–52. https://doi.org/10.18438/B86078.
Doi, Carolyn. “Applying the Flipped Classroom Methodology in a First-Year Undergraduate Music Research Methods Course.” Music Reference Services Quarterly 19, no. 2 (April 2, 2016): 114–35. https://doi.org/10.1080/10588167.2016.1167427.