Strengthening Capacity Committee

Research libraries’ workforce, just like their physical facilities, collections and services, must evolve to keep pace with changes in education and research brought about by digital technologies and socio-economic factors. CARL represents and actively supports the many new and expanded roles for research libraries identified by its members.

Terms and Role

The Strengthening Capacity Committee develops CARL’s priorities and activities to effectively promote CARL’s role and efforts in these areas and to ensure that CARL members can support staff development and growth. Beyond workforce capacity, the Committee also considers financial, technical, or physical capacity issues when they are deemed to merit CARL members’ attention or collaboration on a national basis.

Read the complete Terms of Reference of this committee.


  • Mark Asberg, Chair (Queen’s University)
  • Jonathan Bengtson (University of Victoria)
  • Selinda Berg (University of Windsor)
  • Susan Cleyle (CARL Visiting Program Officer – Leadership Development Initiatives)
  • Aditi Gupta (CARL Visiting Program Officer – Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)
  • Julie Hannaford (University of Toronto)
  • Dianne Keeping (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
  • Vivian Lewis, (McMaster University)
  • Lisa O’Hara (University of Manitoba)

CARL Liaison and Committee Secretary:

Sub-Groups of this Committee