In 2019, as a result of several meetings and discussions, as well as consultation with open education librarian leaders, CARL formed the Open Education Working Group (OEWG), a group of Canadian librarians working in and committed to open education (OE). The group is designed to offer experienced insight towards ensuring ongoing relevance of CARL’s open education activities, and towards creating high-quality opportunities for librarians to develop capacity and leadership skills in open education. In 2023, the OEWG moved into the newly formed Advancing Teaching and Learning Committee (ATLC) at CARL. For more information about the OEWG, see their Terms of Reference for 2022-2024 (English).
Activities and Publications
- May Open Education Cross-Canada Coffee Chat (#OECCCC) (May 22, 2024) > Details
- April Open Education Cross-Canada Coffee Chat (#OECCCC) (April 17, 2024) > Details
- CARL Statement on Automatic Textbook Billing Models (March 2024)
- March Open Education Cross-Canada Coffee Chat (#OECCCC) (March 20, 2024) > Details
- February Open Education Cross-Canada Coffee Chat (#OECCCC) (February 14, 2024) > Details
- Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education Webinar Series: A Question of Value – Indigenous Students’ Perspectives on Open Education (February 12, 2024) > Details > Recording
- Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education Webinar Series: Indigenous Open Educational Resources in Practice (February 7, 2024) > Details > Recording
- Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education Webinar Series: The Practices of Indigenous Knowledge in Open Educational Resources (January 29, 2024) > Details > Recording > Slides
- Webinar: Introducing the Open Education Leadership Essentials Workshop-in-a-Box – Stephanie Quail, York University, and Nicole Askin, University of Manitoba (December 13, 2023) > Details > Recording
- Open Education Leadership Essentials Workshop-in-a-Box (OeLE WIAB) (2023)
- Ongoing OER Community of Practice calls 2021-2023 (17 calls as of June 30, 2023) Organized by the Community of Practice Task Group (Ann Ludbrook, Olga Perkovic (retired), Kate Gibbing, Paula Parlette (on leave), Wilson Poulter, Cynthia Holt, Josie Gray, Michelle Johnson.) > Collaborative Notes
- Appel de la communauté de l’éducation ouverte du Canada [Community Call for the French OE Community] – Stratégie et cadre national pour la revendication en matière de REL – Catherine Lachaîne and Mélanie Brunet (University of Ottawa) (March 22, 2023) > Details > Slides > Collaborative Notes
- Appel de la communauté de l’éducation ouverte du Canada [Community Call for the French OE Community] – REL et reconnaissance professionnelle – Marie D. Martel (École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information, Université de Montréal) and Dominique Scheffel-Dunand (Collège Glendon, York University) (March 9, 2022) > Details > Collaborative Notes
- OER Contribution Matrix (French Version, 2023) DOERS3 developed the OER Contribution Matrix to help faculty who engage in OER activities to have their work recognized in their tenure and promotion portfolios. The Francophone Open Education Task Group of the OEWG translated and adapted a French version of the matrix.
- Institutional OER Policies: A Literature Review and Environmental Assessment (2022)
- Environmental Scan of Open Education Service and Support in Canada (2020)
- Open Education Leadership Essentials (OeLE) (January 2020)
- Appel de la communauté des ressources éducatives libres francophones [Community Call for the French OER Community] – facilitated by Mélanie Brunet (University of Ottawa and Jean-François Durnin (Université de Montréal) (June 10, 2020)
> Details > Recording - Webinar: Discoverability and Sharing Open Educational Resource – Erin Fields, University of British Columbia (May 21, 2020)
> Details > Recording > Slides - Community Call on OER Findability Issues – facilitated by Ali Versluis, University of Guelph, and Lise Brin, CARL (April 29, 2020)
> Details > Recording > Slides - Webinar: Open Education Support Models: The Canadian Post-Secondary Landscape – Laurie Morrison, Brock University and Mélanie Brunet, University of Ottawa (January 15, 2020)
> Recording > Slides > Details - Webinar: Introduction to Canadian Copyright and Open Licensing for OER – Amanda Wakaruk, University of Alberta (December 10, 2019)
> Recording > Slides > Details - Webinar: Supporting Open Educational Practices from the Library – Rajiv Jhiangiani, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (December 5, 2019)
> Recording > Slides > Details - Webinar: How to Create Inclusive and Accessible OER – Josie Gray, BCcampus (October 6, 2019)
> Recording > Slides
OEWG Members (2022-2024)
Lesley Balcom, Dean of Libraries, University of New Brunswick (chair)
Ann Ludbrook, Toronto Metropolitan University (CARL Visiting Program Officer, Open Education)
Karen Nicholson, University of Guelph (CARL Visiting Program Officer, Open Education)
Nicole Askin, University of Manitoba
Hailey Babb, SPARC
Marilou Bourque, Université Laval
Michelle Brailey, University of Alberta (on leave)
Mélanie Brunet, University of Ottawa
Emily Carlisle-Johnston, Western University
Sarah Coysh, York University
Erin Fields, University of British Columbia
Josie Gray, Manager, Production & Publishing, BCcampus
Rachel Harris, Concordia University
Cynthia Holt, CAAL-CBUA
Michelle Johnson, Centennial College
Manisha Khetarpal, Maskwacis Cultural College
Catherine Lachaîne, University of Ottawa
Donna Langille, University of British Columbia Okanagan
Lindsey MacCallum, Mount Saint Vincent University
Karen Meijer-Kline, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Cal Murgu, Brock University
Paula Parlette, Fanshawe College (on leave)
Wilson Poulter, Fanshawe College (leave replacement)
Stephanie Quail, Business Librarian, York University
Sarah Shaughnessy, University of Alberta
Ann Smith, Acadia University
Victoria Volkanova, Université de Moncton