The Open Educational Resources (OER) National Strategy – Stratégie nationale en matière de ressources éducatives libres (REL) group was formed in June 2021 and is facilitated by the the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) who began to engage diverse stakeholders, including national student groups, representatives from provincial open education organizations, scholars and advocates in open education, and individuals and groups representing institutions of higher education, to develop a strategy for open educational resources in Canada.
Institutional Members
- BCcampus
- Campus Books Canada
- Campus Manitoba
- Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA)
- Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL)
- Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)
- Canadian Federation of Students (CFS)
- Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan)
- Consortium national en développement de ressources pédagogiques en français au collégial
- Council of Atlantic Academic Libraries / Conseil des bibliothèques postsecondaires de l’Atlantique (CAAL / CBPA)
- eCampusOntario
- Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association (OTESSA)
- Student Union Étudiante
- Universities Canada
- Vice-Presidents Teaching & Learning Table Canada (VPTL Canada)
Reports and Other Documents
Francophone OER Summit Report (2023)
National Advocacy Framework for Open Educational Resources in Canada (CARL, 2023)
Written and reviewed by a diverse group of open educational resource practitioners and experts from Canada’s post-secondary education system, and intended to facilitate cooperation and coordination by OER stakeholders with regard to national OER advocacy, the National Advocacy Framework for Open Educational Resources in Canada (CARL, 2023) outlines a series of arguments and considerations for involvement of the federal government in the area of OER.
OER Policy and Infrastructure Summit (York University, November 9-10, 2022)
The first in a series of summits aimed at generating prioritized and targeted proposals for stakeholders to use in advocating with the federal government, the OER Policy and Infrastructure Summit brought together more than 30 participants from across the country.
Recordings (available on YouTube)
National Summit for Open Education Plenary // Sommet national sur l’éducation ouverte plénière
National Summit for Open Education Panel // Sommet national sur l’éducation ouverte Panel
Sommet REL francophone (Université d’Ottawa, 27 avril 2023)
Open Education Cross Canada Coffee Chat: Focus on the National Advocacy Framework for Open Education in Canada (in French) (March 23, 2023)
Toward a National Strategy for OER (J. Kirchner and A. Ludbrook, OLA Super Conference 2022)