The Open Repositories Working Group, active from January 2018 to December 2022, worked in collaboration with the Canadian repository community to define a strategic vision for repositories as well as helping to move the community forward around shared goals and objectives. The Group included representation from both those managing repositories and communicating with researchers as well as library directors who guide and shape organizational priorities. It was also responsible for conducting an annual Inventory of Canadian Repository Platforms.
- ORWG Terms of Reference (2020-2022)
- ORWG Task Groups’ Terms of Reference (2020-2022)
- CARL collaboration with OpenAIRE
Open Repositories Report Series
- Advancing Open: Views from Scholarly Communications Practitioners (2020)
- Institutional Repository Statistics: Reliable, Consistent Approaches for Canada (2019)
- Digital Preservation Functionality in Canadian Repositories (2019)
Other ORWG Work
- Webinar: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Next Generation Repositories But Were Afraid to Ask (April 18, 2018) presented by the ORWG in collaboration with the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)