How can you participate?

There are several ways you can participate in the project, depending your level of interest, type of repository and resources available:

Direct harvest of literature repositories (or Canadian journals/publisher) by OpenAIRE

If you manage a Canadian repository and want your records to be represented in the OpenAIRE aggregation, the preferred route is for your repository to become compliant with the OpenAIRE Guidelines 4.0. This will ensure that the contents of your repository are regularly harvested, and that OpenAIRE has access not only to the metadata, but also to the full text, which it can data mine for funder affiliation and other relationships. It will also allow you to participate in the usage statistics services offered by OpenAIRE, which is much more accurate than the Google Analytics services you may currently be using.

The ORWG is currently working with several pilot repositories to support their compliance with OpenAIRE Metadata Guidelines version 4, and will soon release support materials to help you at your own institution. These materials will be available for several platforms: 

  • DSpace — An add-on has been developed by 4Science, with funding from a group of CARL institutions that can be used to support OpenAIRE compliance in DSpace versions 5 and 6. Version 7 is expected to be compliant out-of-the-box
  • ePrints — Code has been developed by Concordia University Library that will  be shared with the ePrints community
  • Islandora — Simon Fraser University Libraries is planning to develop and share code for compliance with Islandora 8
  • Digital Commons — currently compliant with OpenAIRE v.3. 

Indirect harvesting of literature repositories by OpenAIRE through Canada Research

For institutions that do not have the interest or resources to implement the OpenAIRE Metadata Guidelines 4.0, McMaster University Libraries has developed a Canadian aggregator, Canada Research, that harvests metadata from Canadian repositories and transforms the records to become compliant with the OpenAIRE guidelines. 

This approach will ensure repository records are visible in OpenAIRE, but means that the repository cannot benefit from other value-added services offered by OpenAIRE. In this context, the  Ad Hoc COVID-19 Working Group is developing shared curation workflows to allow repository managers to enhance the metadata in the Canada Research aggregation with funder affiliation and other key metadata elements. 

> If you wish to have your literature repository aggregated by Canada Research, contact Gabriela Mircea ()

Indirect harvesting of data repositories by OpenAIRE though FRDR (Portage)

For data repositories, we are recommending that your repository be harvested by the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) discovery service. FRDR offers a federated search tool that will provide a focal point to discover and access Canadian research data, while the range of services provided by FRDR will help researchers store and manage their data, preserve their research for future use, and comply with institutional and funding agency data management requirements. FRDR is also working on compliance with OpenAIRE metadata guidelines for data repositories so all data records in FRDR will be available in the OpenAIRE aggregation. 

> If you wish to have your data repository aggregated by FRDR, contact