Library Publishing Community Engagement Team


Over 40 Canadian post-secondary institutions provide publishing or hosting services to their communities to support the creation, dissemination, and curation of scholarly works. Collectively, libraries in Canada support more than 700 scholarly and student publications, offering a variety of services. While journal hosting and publishing are frequent topics in local, regional, and national conversations around scholarly communications and libraries, Canadian practitioners have no established community to engage with issues that are uniquely relevant to them, and that represents them effectively to the wider scholarly communications and publishing community in Canada. Providing support for these practitioners in their work is crucial to ensuring the long-term sustainability of Canada’s not-for-profit journal publishing sector. 

Mandate and Role

The primary goals of the Library Publishing Community Engagement Team (LPCET) are to support Canadian library publishing practitioners in their functional roles, and to grow Canadian expertise and capacity in this area. For more information about LPCET’s mandate and role, as well as their responsibilities and membership information, please refer to their Terms of Reference

Team Members (2024-2026)

  • Sonya Betz (UAlberta) – co-chair
  • Mark Swartz (Queen’s) – co-chair 
  • Samantha MacFarlane (UVictoria)
  • Édith Robert (UQAM)
  • Richard Hayman (Mount Royal University)
  • Jordan Pederson (Guelph)
  • Jeanette Hatherill (Coalition Publica)
  • Mike Nason (UNB)
  • Tomasz Mrozewski (York)
  • Mathieu Pigeon (UMontréal)
  • Brianne Selman (UWinnipeg)
  • Emily Carlisle-Johnston (Western University)
  • Elizabeth Kalbfleisch (CARL)
