Library Dashboards
- Dalhousie University – Library Data Fast Facts: Library data fast facts and data visualizations.
- University of Windsor – Dashboard of Leddy Library Open Data and Statistics: Mostly bar graphs with hover-text embedded.
- Lincoln University (New Zealand): Library Reports and Statistics, has links to other department dashboards
- Fairfield University Libraries – DiMenna-Nyselius Library: Use of photo imagery, with statistics displayed in boxes that include links to the resource which generated/supports that statistic. Explicitly associated with assessment.
- Georgia Tech Library: Bar graphs, lists/links, and charts, with embedded hover-text.
- University of Texas – MD Anderson Cancer Center Research Medical Library: Interactive dashboard with a variety of data visualization modes.
Post-Secondary Education Institutional Dashboards
- Memorial University of Newfoundland – Institutional Dashboards: Includes graphic links to different areas of information.
- Memorial University of Newfoundland – Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning:
Interactive bar graphs
Illinois Graduate College – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: A dashboard with data visualization, interactive features, and hovertext enhancements; data is related to graduate enrollments, academic progress, and post-graduation location.
- Harper College – Institutional Effectiveness Dashboard: A text- and table-based site, which includes links to the data and data visualization for each measure and indicator of institutional effectiveness.
- Ventura College: Dashboard with links to different collections of data, which are presented in a variety of data visualization modes.
- The Diversity Gap in University Leadership 2018 (U of Alberta Academic Women’s Association):
Results of research into employment equity at Canadian universities. Scroll down for dashboard display of the data analyzed.
Other Dashboards
- Big Book of Dashboards: Presents a comprehensive reference for those tasked with building or overseeing the development of business dashboards. Has downloadable examples.
- Against the Grain – Map of Downloads: This page includes a map that visually and in real-time shows where in the world content is being downloaded from “Against the Grain.”
- Tableau – Gallery of Public Tableau Dashboards: Includes “Viz of the Day” and “Featured” dashboards created using Tableau software.
- Saskatchewan’s Dashboard: Dashboard with links to more in-depth data visualization of the requested content.
- Updated in-real time; shows data on people accessing different US government agencies’ websites.
- Created example of word cloud, showing subject analysis of books purchased in 2000, using
- From Waterloo, using D3.js
- From Dalhousie, using Tableau
- From Dalhousie, using Tableau
- Created example, using Excel
- From Waterloo, using Microsoft Power BI