CLAW Keynote Speaker

Myles HarrisonMyles Harrison
Marketing Strategist and Analyst, author of everyday analytics blog

As long as he can remember he has always loved two things – math & writing. As a blogger at everyday analytics, his blog about self-tracking, data visualization, and the analytics of everyday life, he is lucky enough to have found a way to combine these two things he loves.

Myles received his applied mathematics degree from the University of Waterloo in 2006 and currently works in consulting in web analytics at SapientNitro, one of Canada’s largest digital marketing agencies. Previously he was employed in systems analysis in the financial sector, as well as by the federal government doing mathematical modeling and numerical computer programming in the field of geophysics.

In his spare time he enjoys sailing, the outdoors, and spending time up north with his family.

T: @everydayanalyst