Full Programme

Thursday, October 17
8:00am–1:00pm9:00am–10:30am Registration

Statistical Survey of Canadian Academic and Research Libraries (simultaneous webcast)

This session will review the changes made to the annual statistics collection survey, discuss the philosophy behind that changes and what purpose the statistics have to the Canadian academic community. The session will be webcast and will provide an opportunity to review and discuss definitions and collection methodologies to help guide the 2013-2014 collection year.

Cathy Maskell, Associate Dean of the Library, University of Windsor

Lecture Hall, Ted Rogers School of Management

10:30am–11:00am Break                    Sponsored by
11:00am–12:00pm Keynote Speaker: Myles Harrison, Marketing Strategist and Analyst, author of everyday analyticsblogLecture Hall, Ted Rogers School of Management
12:00pm–1:15pm Lunch
1:15pm–2:30pm Assessment 101

In a small group discussion format, Library Assessment basics will be introduced, including best practices, training and professional development opportunities, how to organize assessment activities at your library, and some real-life examples from the field.

Shailoo Bedi, Director Academic Commons and Strategic Assessment, University of Victoria

Aaron Lupton, Electronic Resources Librarian, York University

Cara Commons, Room 1-148, Ted Rogers School of Management

2:30pm–2:45pm Break
2:45pm–4:00pm Assessment 101 continues
5:00pm–7:00pm Reception and Poster Session

Join us at the end of the day for a networking and sharing opportunity. There will be a poster session in the reception area. Posters will feature a variety of assessment projects

Library, 4th Floor Lobby

Friday, October 18   
8:00am–9:00am Breakfast
9:00am–10:30am Idea Generation Concurrent Sessions

During the facilitated discussions, attendees will formulate an assessment plan. The session will include real-life examples for each assessment topic.

Goal: Each attendee will leave the session with a draft assessment plan (workable ideas/solutions/matrix) for how to approach their chosen library assessment topic.

Session 1: Developing an Information Literacy Assessment Plan: Process and Product

Participants will leave with a framework for an information literacy assessment plan designed to progress and sustain continuous information literacy program improvement.

Participants will:

  • Map critical initiatives and documents impacting information literacy at their campus onto an information literacy assessment plan template in order to reflect the strategic directions of their institution.
  • Identify the level of learning outcomes needed in order to enable evaluation and implementation of the plan.
  • Identify how the plan needs to be supported in order to achieve continuous program improvement.

Cory Laverty, Head, Education Library, Queen’s University

Nasser Saleh, Head, Engineering and Science Library, Queen’s University

Cara Commons, Room 1-148, Ted Rogers School of Management

Session 2: Developing a plan to assess the impact of the Library on research being done at the institution
Participants will leave with the framework for an assessment plan designed to assess the impact of the library on research being done at the institution. Participants will:

  • Identify metrics
  • Create a metrics matrix
  • Conceive an action plan

Liz Hayden, Assessment Librarian, University of Ottawa
Allison Sivak, Assessment Librarian,
University of Alberta

Lecture Hall, Ted Rogers School of Management

10:30am–10:45am  Break
10:45am–12:00pm Idea Generation Sessions continue
12:00pm–1:15pm  Lunch
1:15pm–2:30pm Exploring the Frontier of Electronic Resources Assessment
The world of electronic resources assessment is evolving at a dizzying pace. Join us in this interactive workshop for an overview of the current landscape of electronic resources assessment including standards, tools and projects. We will highlight case studies, review recent applications from the field, and provide participants with the opportunity for individual reflection and discussion.

Dana Thomas, Evaluation & Assessment Librarian, Ryerson University

Anne Smithers, Collections Assessment Librarian, Queen’s University

Klara Maidenberg, Assessment and Evaluation & Virtual Reference Services Librarian, Scholars Portal, Ontario Council of University Libraries

Cara Commons, Room 1-148, Ted Rogers School of Management

 2:30pm–2:45pm Break
 2:45pm–4:00pm Getting the Message Out: Creating A Multi-Directional Approach to Communicating Assessment Even the most effective assessment program is meaningless if no one knows about it.  Learn effective techniques for sharing the results of your assessment efforts with your library’s leadership group and with staff colleagues.  Explore strategies for communicating the results of your work to the larger campus and beyond.

Vivian Lewis, University Librarian,
McMaster University

Lecture Hall, Ted Rogers School of Management

 4:00pm–4:15pm  Working Together and Closing Remarks

Lecture Hall, Ted Rogers School of Management