Canadian Repository Community Call: Current Approaches to Collecting, Managing, and Preserving Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Presented by the CARL Open Repositories Working Group’s Task Group on Community Building and Engagement

Date: Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. ET
Individuals working in Canadian repositories are invited to participate in this session focused on current approaches to workflows and strategies toward collection and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETD). This bilingual 90-minute session will start with a few presentations and will allow for plenty of time for attendees to discuss additional aspects of ETDs and ask questions to the presenters and each other.

Arlene Whetter and Katherine Clifton will present an update on LAC’s ongoing efforts to harvest ETDs from Canadian institutional repositories, while Laurence Charest from Université de Montréal will present on the use of the OCLC API’s to push UdeM’s ETD DSpace records into WorldCat, and Jeanette Hatherill will present the University of Ottawa’s workflows and processes related to ETD submission and cataloguing.

Presentations will be in French and English, with simultaneous interpretation provided. The discussion will be bilingual – attendees are welcome to contribute in either language.


  • Arlene Whetter, Team Leader – Published Heritage and Katherine Clifton, Acquisitions Librarian (Published Heritage Branch, Library & Archives Canada)
  • Jeanette Hatherill, Scholarly Communication Librarian (University of Ottawa)
  • Laurence Charest, Bibliothécaire (Direction du traitement documentaire et métadonnées, Université de Montréal)