CARL Library Publishing Community Engagement Team Community Call – Publishing Standards

Date: February 26, 2025
Time: 12:00 – 1:30pm ET


The CARL Library Publishing Community Engagement Team welcomes you to join our next community call about publishing standards. 

In 2022, several publishing organizations (DOAJ, COPE, OASPA, and WAME) jointly published updated Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. These principles are just one set of publishing standards that we encounter when supporting journals, and it can be challenging to help journals adjust their practices and policies to meet external benchmarks.

In this practice-based meeting we invite you to share questions, ideas, obstacles and perspectives about the different publishing standards that you’ve encountered. If you have problems, solutions, a cry for help, or would just like to commiserate with your colleagues, please add your name to our speaker list by February 12 with a brief description of the topic you’ll be speaking about. Some ideas might include: How is everyone handling DOAJ applications? What do you think about the new DIAMAS Best Practices Checklist? How are we approaching editorial teams when their policies need improvement? 

Facilitation for this session will be in French, but speakers are welcome to participate in either English or French, and discussion will take place in both languages. 

This call will not be recorded, but we will capture notes in a shared document that will be distributed after the call.

About the CARL Library Publishing Community Engagement Team

The CARL Library Publishing Community Engagement Team seeks to support Canadian library publishing practitioners in their functional roles and to grow Canadian expertise and capacity in this area. Members include:

  • Sonya Betz (University of Alberta) – co-chair
  • Mark Swartz (Queen’s University) – co-chair
  • Samantha MacFarlane (University of Victoria)
  • Édith Robert (UQAM)
  • Richard Hayman (Mount Royal University)
  • Jordan Pederson (Guelph University)
  • Jeanette Hatherill (Coalition Publica)
  • Mike Nason (University of New Brunswick)
  • Tomasz Mrozewski (York University)
  • Brianne Selman (University of Winnipeg)
  • Emily Carlisle (Western University)
  • Mathieu Pigeon (Université de Montréal)