CARL Webinar Presenting Newly Released Library Impact Framework

The CARL Assessment Committee’s Library Impact Framework Working Group is pleased to announce the soft launch of CARL’s Library Impact Framework.

CARL would like to take this opportunity to thank members of the CARL Library Impact Framework Working Group and Project Team, as well as a number of peer reviewers who provided feedback on this work.

Focused on impact pathways, the CARL Library Impact Framework uses logic models as a way to visualize the arc of influence of our libraries’ programs, resources, and services.

The logic models in the Framework are not intended to be exhaustive or complete in themselves.  While the logic models presented here may be useful as stand-alones, the value is primarily in the application of the model, and in the process of thinking through logic models for local needs.

The hope is that this project will not be static but will be a living framework that can grow and expand as this important work is taken up by members of CARL libraries and the broader Canadian library assessment community.

As such, feedback from the community is welcome and it is CARL’s intention to update the resource and expand its library of exemplars and logic model applications to include those produced by its member libraries.

Feedback, logic model applications, and suggestions for future exemplars can be sent to Julie Morin () for consideration by CARL’s Assessment Committee.

CARL’s Library Impact Framework Working Group will also be hosting a webinar on February 15th, 12-1 p.m. ET to present the framework and answer any questions from the community. You can register for this webinar via Zoom.

Click here for session slides