Looking for a needle in a haystack: Increasing the international visibility of Canadian research through the CARL-OpenAIRE collaboration

Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Time: 8-9 a.m. PT / 11 am – 12 p.m. ET
Everyone is welcome – register here: 

The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) is pleased to present a series of webinars introducing CARL’s collaboration with OpenAIRE, a a European-based infrastructure for open scholarship. This collaboration has been working to integrate and identify Canadian content in the OpenAIRE aggregation, with an initial focus on supporting the discoverability of research supported by Canada’s Federal Granting Agencies.

Canadian research outputs are disseminated using numerous platforms, publishers, and repositories around the world. OpenAIRE is an open source, community-based discovery service, funded by the European Commission (EC), that tracks research outputs such as data, articles, monographs and more. OpenAIRE enables discovery of this content by aggregating metadata and full text content from thousands of data providers, allowing institutions, researchers and funders to discover this content more easily.

This first webinar will provide a high level overview of the vision and benefits of this collaboration for the Canadian research community, and will be sure to interest library directors, funders, repository managers, scholarly communication librarians, open access advocates, and researchers.

Natalia Manola, CEO of OpenAIRE
Matthew Lucas, Executive Director, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Vivian Lewis, University Librarian, McMaster University and CARL President
Pierre Lasou, Librarian, Laval University, and chair of the CARL Open Repositories Working Group’s OpenAIRE Task Group

The session will be moderated by Kathleen Shearer, Executive Director of the Confederation of Open Access Repositories.

This session will be recorded and will be offered with simultaneous interpretation in order to accommodate francophone and anglophone attendees.

A second session and third session will be held in November and December and will provide more detailed guidance about how content providers can contribute to OpenAIRE.