Francophone OER – Open Education Cross-Country Coffee Chat (#OECCCC)

Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Time: 3-4 p.m. ET
Register here (this event is open to all):  

The sub-committee on francophone OER of the CARL Open Education Working Group invites you to take part in its next “coffee chat”. In the first part of the call, we will discuss possible activities for Open Education Week (March 7-11, 2022) to begin coordinating our efforts. In the second part, Alexandre Enkerli, techno-pedagogical consultant at Collecto Services regroupés en éducation, will talk about the activities of the Francophone chapter of Open Education Global.

Francophones and francophiles are welcome! The discussion will be in French, but bilingual moderators will be on hand to help ensure participants are able to contribute in the language of their choice. 

This virtual meeting will be hosted by Catherine Lachaîne (University of Ottawa), Catherine Lamy (Université Laval), Mélanie Brunet (University of Ottawa) and  Lise Brin (CARL).