Call for Attendee Nominations: OeLE Event

**Deadline: November 25, 2019**

The OeLE has been designed by the CARL Open Education Working Group as a way to provide Canadian library practitioners active in open education with the information, skills and resources to lead in this area. The event will engage participants with presentations, community building sessions, and hands-on activities that will provide participants with the building blocks to implement OE programs on their own campuses.

This event is intended for active open education practitioners within libraries at Canadian post-secondary educational institutions. Given that there is a maximum registration of 65 for this workshop, the organizers will prioritize regional representation while also ensuring participation of those with demonstrated engagement with open education when deciding on the final attendee list.

Important notes:

Please note that in the months following the event, OeLE participants will be expected to collaborate with the CARL Open Education Working Group to extend this learnings into their regions via the creation and  delivery of introductory satellite events which aim to develop a general understanding of core open education concepts and issues across academic libraries across the country.

> Click here to access nomination form