Webinar for Repository Managers: Update on the CARL-OpenAIRE Project

Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Time: 1-2 p.m. ET (English session)
            2-3 p.m. ET (French session)

CARL’S Open Repositories Working Group invites you to attend a webinar that will update you on the CARL-OpenAIRE collaborative project. Two back-to-back sessions will be offered, the first in English and the second in French.

OpenAIRE is a discovery service for articles and other types of content by aggregating metadata and full text content from thousands of data providers around the world.

The CARL-OpenAIRE collaboration has been underway since January 2018, working with Canadian repositories to provide a unified gateway to Canadian scholarly content, beginning with the Tri-Agency affiliated content. OpenAIRE has now fully integrated CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC into their aggregation and users can limit results to each agency. Interestingly, NSERC has the fourth highest number of records of any funder in the OpenAIRE database.

At the webinar you will learn:

  • More about the project and implementations
  • How your institution can contribute
  • What is coming next