Webinar on Best Practices for Completing the CARL Statistics Questionnaire

Date: April 26, 2023
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET
Webinar recording

Organized by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries’ Impact Committee, this webinar will feature a panel of CARL statistics respondents discussing best practices for the CARL Statistics data collection process and tips to help institutions submit their data on time.

The session will be moderated by Katherine McColgan, who will provide a brief history of the CARL statistics program and an overview of modifications to the survey over time (including the most recent version of the survey and its goals). She will also be available to hear feedback from attendees about the challenges they experience and discuss possible solutions CARL can implement to simplify the process.

This webinar is subject to the CARL Code of Conduct and in the interest of accessibility, simultaneous translation and captions will be available throughout the session. Additional accommodation requests can also be emailed to Katherine McColgan, Manager, Administration and Programs at CARL ().


Katrine Mallan is the Assessment and Special Projects Librarian at the University of Ottawa Library. Katrine received her MLIS from McGill University in 2006 and has worked in a variety of libraries.

Carisa Polischuk is an Assessment Analyst at the University of Saskatchewan. Carisa has a Master of Science in Kinesiology and has worked as a research analyst for almost 20 years in various departments on campus. Carisa has coordinated the CARL stats for the last 10 years.

Juliette Tirard-Collet has been a communications librarian at the University of Montreal Libraries since 2016, where she also obtained her master’s degree in information sciences the same year.