Call for Expressions of Interest: Two Expert Groups for Shared Repositories Infrastructure (‘Scholaris’)

Call for Expressions of Interest: Two Expert Groups for Shared Repositories Infrastructure (‘Scholaris’)

The Canadian Association of Research Libraries, the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) and University of Toronto Libraries, are collaboratively developing a National Institutional Repository Service (‘Scholaris’) to be hosted by Scholars Portal. Starting with an early adopters program of a limited number of institutions, the goal is to build Scholaris into a robust and scalable multi-institutional national repository service – one that is strengthened by a responsive, collaborative community of experts and repository practitioners. Scholars Portal will provide reliable technical hosting, security measures, monitoring, and technical support in line with other services currently being offered, with the potential for integrating digital preservation and other services/workflows as a benefit to participating organizations.

With the decision to implement this national DSpace-based service, the establishment of specialized expert groups becomes essential. These groups will play a pivotal role, lending expertise and support to the fundamental segments of the project. Participation offers a chance to help shape the national infrastructure service.

We are inviting expressions of interest for two new expert groups related to this work:

  • Scholaris Metadata and Discovery Expert Group (S-MDEG)
  • Scholaris Electronic Theses and Dissertations Expert Group (S-ETEG)

Applicants should work at institutions that plan to migrate to the new service, whether as an early adopter or in a subsequent phase. They should be willing to dedicate 5-10 hours monthly to the Team’s objectives. We are seeking 8-10 representatives for each expert group, with the goal of ensuring diversity of members across institutional size; in regional and linguistic representation; and in relevant knowledge, experience and/or responsibilities. At least 4 members on each will be selected from among CARL member institutions.

1 – Scholaris Metadata and Discovery Expert Group (S-MDEG)
S-MDEG will identify common use cases and practical strategies for metadata migration, creation, updating, and support, collaborating with the service development team to prioritize metadata requirements, advise on policy, propose scalable solutions, and monitor emerging technologies for potential integration into the Scholaris service. For further details, please refer to the Terms of Reference.

2- Scholaris Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) Expert Group (S-ETEG)
To ensure a smooth and successful transition, the S-ETEG will develop strategies for consistent data across repositories, guide institutions towards national and international standards, and offer expertise in migrating ETDs seamlessly. Additionally, they’ll propose optimizations for Scholaris and guide institutions in adapting their workflows. For further details, please refer to the Terms of Reference.

The two Expert Groups will operate under the aegis of CARL’s Shared Repositories Infrastructure Advisory Committee (SRIAC) and engage in close collaboration with the Visiting Program Officer (VPO) for Metadata and CARL’s partnership with OpenAIRE. The VPO liaises with the Scholars Portal team and SRIAC to coordinate and assess priorities based on input from experts. A chair will be confirmed at the first meeting.

Please send a brief statement outlining your interest in serving on one or the other of these groups (and which, if you wish to be considered only for a specific group), noting your relevant experience, and a letter of endorsement from the Library Dean/Director, to Elizabeth Kalbfleisch, Project Officer, no later than Monday, March 4, 2024.