Call for Participants for CARL’s 2023 Librarians’ Research Institute

February 15, 2023 – The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) is now accepting nominations for participants for the 2023 Librarians’ Research Institute. These participants will attend a four-day Institute jointly hosted by Carleton University and the University of Ottawa (June 12-15, 2023), which will be geared toward taking current research skills to the next level, building upon current research interests, and making connections with other researching academic librarians, from across Canada. Participants should possess the following:

  • Some experience in research beyond the MLIS degree, such as producing a conference presentation, an article, or a research grant.
  • A foundational knowledge of research methodologies and skills, such as proposal writing, literature reviews, developing research questions, using different research methodologies, analyzing data, assessing ethical issues, etc.
  • An eagerness and openness to develop one’s own skills, share ideas with others, provide feedback and support to others’ research endeavours.
  • An interest in taking the energy and enthusiasm for research gained at the institute back to their home institution.

The Institute will include activities such as plenary sessions, panel discussions with peer mentors, small group discussions, individual reflection and assessment, consultations with peer mentors, individual writing time, and peer workshops. Upon completion of the Institute, participants will leave with the following:

  • A better understanding of the possibilities for research and a recognition of the habits of mind that enable good research practices.
  • A broader understanding of librarian research processes and an awareness of the research being undertaken by librarians at Canadian libraries.
  • Connections with other academic librarians working on scholarly research projects at libraries across Canada.

The 2023 LRI will be led by the following peer mentor team:

  • Cory Laverty, Chair (Art, Drama, and Music Librarian, Queen’s University)
  • Carolyn Doi (Associate Librarian, University of Saskatchewan)
  • Catherine Boden (Assistant Dean, Research Support Services, University of Saskatchewan)
  • Cody Fullerton (Data & Social Science Librarian, University of Manitoba)
  • Michelle Brown (Head, Learning & Student Success, University of Ottawa)
  • Patrick Gamsby (Scholarly Communications Librarian, Memorial University)

Nomination and Application Process

Registration is limited to 30 participants. Applications from all Canadian libraries are welcome. However, priority will be given to CARL member libraries.

Participants who were accepted into the cancelled 2020 institute will be given priority over other applicants, however they will be required to submit an updated application package and re-confirm support from their library director.

Applicants must submit a nomination package which will include the following:

  • a current CV;
  • a short description of why the participant wishes to attend;
  • a brief outline of the research project/research question the participant is exploring, and;
  • a letter of endorsement from the Library Dean/Director.

Nomination packages should be sent to the attention of Julie Morin (), before March 7, 2023.

Note that the 2023 LRI will be delivered in English but that CARL is also planning for a 2024 LRI to be delivered in French. 

Participants will be announced and follow-up information about the Institute will be sent in the spring. Prior to attending the Institute, participants will be asked to submit a short overview of their research background, and their current research interests.


CARL members: $650
Non-members: $850

Fees include all workshop materials, breakfast, lunch, and breaks for the duration of the workshop. Travel, accommodation, and other expenses are the responsibility of the participant.

For more information:

Julie Morin
Senior Program Officer, CARL