CARL and ARL Members Meet in Vancouver

OTTAWA, May, 12, 2016 – The 2016 CARL Spring Meeting, a joint meeting of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and CARL, convened April 25–28, 2016, in Vancouver, British Columbia. This meeting marked the quinquennial joint meeting of the two associations. It was attended by 182 research library directors from across North America, as well as a range of guests, speakers, ARL leadership fellows and staff.

Under the leadership of ARL president Larry Alford of University of Toronto and CARL president Martha Whitehead of Queen’s University, the program featured a variety of engaging sessions centered on the theme of global partnerships. The meeting host, Ingrid Parent of University of British Columbia (UBC), welcomed the ARL and CARL memberships to Vancouver, and she and her staff provided a lovely reception and dinner on the UBC campus, as well as a variety of campus tours.

During the meeting, the 2016 CARL Award for Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship was awarded to Richard Dumont of Université de Montréal. This award recognizes an individual at a CARL member institution who has made a substantial local, national or international contribution to research librarianship. In addition, the ARL Member Engagement and Outreach Committee hosted the first annual ARL Film Festival (the ARLies). The ARLies highlight and share multimedia products developed by member institutions to increase knowledge and use of libraries, their spaces, services, collections, and expertise. Of 57 short videos submitted by ARL and CARL members, the committee chose 26 to be viewed by members and guests on the evening of April 26. Members voted following the film viewing and the ten award winners were announced during the meeting on April 27. All the 2016 ARLies entries and descriptions of the 26 featured films are available online.

Speakers’ slides from many of the meeting presentations are linked from the program schedule on the ARL website.

The next CARL membership meeting will be held November 8-9, 2016 in Ottawa.