September 21. – The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) would like to congratulate Brett Waytuck, University Librarian, University of Regina, and Chair of CARL’s Strengthening Capacity Committee, for being appointed by the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) Board of Directors to serve on the American Library Association (ALA) Committee on Accreditation (COA). The COA is responsible for the execution of the accreditation program of ALA, and the development and formulation of standards of education for library and information studies for the approval of Council. Mr. Waytuck will serve as the sole Canadian member on the committee for a four year term ending in June 2024.
Brett Waytuck joined the Dr. John Archer Library and Archives as University Librarian in 2016. Prior to coming to the University of Regina, he worked in public, special, government and academic libraries in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario and was, most recently, the Provincial Librarian of Saskatchewan, working with public library systems to support and expand services across the province.
CARL is the voice of Canada’s research libraries. Our members include Canada’s twenty-nine largest university libraries and two federal institutions. CARL enhances its members’ capacity to advance research and higher education; promotes effective and sustainable knowledge creation, dissemination, and preservation; and advocates for public policy that enables broad access to scholarly information.