Canadian Scholarly Publishing Working Group Releases Final Report

This multi-stakeholder group has concluded its work, outlining a model framework for moving Canadian scholarly publishing toward a more sustainable future, and affirming six principles to guide this process.

July 4, 2017. – After ten months of assessing the current landscape, discussing the future options from different perspectives to seek common ground, and several weeks of collaborative writing, the Canadian Scholarly Publishing Working Group is pleased to present its final report. It presents a model framework for setting Canadian scholarly publishing on a path towards sustainability. Due to the heterogeneity of the landscape, this proposed framework brings together several interrelated initiatives in the areas of monographs, journals, and new scholarly forms.

The report is available in both French and English:
Groupe de travail sur l’édition savante au Canada – Rapport final (PDF)
Canadian Scholarly Publishing Working Group Final Report (PDF)

The Working Group identified key principles to guide future efforts towards sustainable Canadian scholarly publishing:

  • Accountable to the academy
  • Supporting openness
  • Supporting high-quality publishing practices
  • Well-informed authors
  • Rich Canadian publishing opportunities
  • Building on strength

In concluding their work, members of the Canadian Scholarly Working Group wish to acknowledge the high level of engagement and communication among the various stakeholder organizations that this process has afforded. Working group members look forward to the new projects and activities that will certainly follow from this report.

Two of the participating organizations, the Association of Canadian University Presses and the Canadian Association of Learned Journals, have issues their own statements to accompany the release of this report.

The Canadian Scholarly Publishing Working Group was developed by CARL’s Advancing Research Committee. More information about this Working Group can be found on the Canadian Association of Research Libraries’ website.

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For more information, please contact:

Lise Brin, Program Officer
Canadian Association of Research Libraries