Donna Bourne-Tyson Honoured with CARL Award for Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship

Lesley Balcom (right), Dean of Libraries at the University of New Brunswick, presenting Donna Bourne-Tyson (left) with the CARL Award for Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship.

April 27, 2022 – The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) honoured Donna Bourne-Tyson with the CARL Award for Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship during its Annual General Meeting. This award, which is generously sponsored by ProQuest, is conferred annually to a Canadian individual who has served the profession with marked distinction and has made significant national and international contributions to research librarianship through their leadership and engagement.

Ms. Bourne-Tyson has served as Dean of Libraries at Dalhousie University since 2011, where she provides leadership for Dalhousie’s network of five libraries

“Donna Bourne-Tyson is a remarkable leader with an exemplary record of accomplishment and engagement. She has been key to advancing the agenda of research librarianship at a national level, while also strategically focused on international and regional engagement. She has been highly successful at her own institution, Dalhousie University, leading the libraries with vision and commitment not diminished by her remarkable and consistent level of external engagement.” – Lesley Balcom, Dean of Libraries at the University of New Brunswick.

Ms. Bourne-Tyson was also awarded the 2019 Ken Haycock Award for her remarkable range of Board roles in regional, national and international associations and consortia, for founding and shepherding multiple new organizations, and for her leadership and dedication as an ambassador and role model for librarianship.

She served as Chair (2017-2019), Vice-Chair/Chair elect (2015-2017), and Treasurer (2009 – 2011) of the Council of Atlantic University Libraries, in addition to leading a diversity of initiatives and committees. The same is true at a provincial level within the Novanet consortium, within which she has served as Chair and Vice-Chair.

She was CARL President from 2017-2019, preceded by terms as Vice-President/President-Elect (2015-2017) and Treasurer (2012-2015), leading CARL through a period of dramatic evolution in the world of research libraries and preparing us well for the pandemic era

She served as Vice-Chair of the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (2011-2014) and most recently as an elected member on the inaugural Board of Directors of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (2020 – 2022). This role has brought great strategic value to CARL members, ensuring visibility and advocacy for the role of research libraries as RDM evolves from the Portage era.

As a former President of CARL, she has continued to represent the Canadian perspective and to enhance international alignment as a Board member of the International Association of University Libraries (IATUL) serving as Treasurer (2019 – 2021) and Secretary (2022).

She was a founding member of the BlueSky Network, a partnership of public, academic and First Nations libraries in Northern Ontario. Representing the Atlantic Provinces Library Association (APLA), she was one of the original members of The Partnership, Canada’s national network of provincial and territorial library associations. She also co-chaired the Interim Board during the founding days of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA).

“Donna believes and lives a philosophy that working together is much more effective than solo or siloed action. Through her collaborative view of the library world, Donna has brought together people, institutions, and even associations to effect consortial action. And through this, she has had long-reaching impact: Donna has quietly and pragmatically helped shape the library association landscape in this country.” – Jonathan Bengtson, University Librarian at the University of Victoria.

CARL would like to congratulate Ms. Bourne-Tyson on her receipt of this award and would like to thank ProQuest for their generous ongoing support to the CARL Award.