Dr. Kathleen DeLong Honoured with CARL Award for Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship

November 17, 2020 – The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) honoured Dr. Kathleen DeLong with the CARL Award for Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship during its Fall General Meeting. This award is conferred annually to a Canadian individual who has served the profession with marked distinction and has made significant national and international contributions to research librarianship through their leadership and engagement.

Dr. DeLong, Executive Director (Library and Museums) and Deputy Chief Librarian at the University of Alberta, has a long record of distinguished service to research librarianship with over four decades of experience in this area. She is recognized nationally and internationally for her outstanding contributions to the collective understanding of the Canadian library workforce and ongoing leadership in its development.

Achievements in this area include her contributions to the 8Rs Canadian Library Human Resources Study (the single largest national study of library workers in the world), and subsequent 8Rs projects. She also co-authored the 2010 report Core Competencies for 21st Century CARL Librarians, and more recently chaired the CARL Competencies Working Group—struck in 2017—to refresh the 2010 publication, resulting in the 2020 publication Competencies for Librarians in Canadian Research Libraries.

Other CARL committees and working groups which have benefited from her participation include the Strengthening Capacity Committee (previously the Library Education Working Group) and the Leadership Program for Senior Library Leaders Working Group.

Dr. DeLong is also Interim Chair of the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alberta and actively participates in the education of future librarians. She conducts research on many aspects of library education and organizational development, frequently publishing in a wide range of journals, and actively contributes to addressing the challenges of equity and inclusion at the University of Alberta.

Dale Askey, Vice-Provost (Library and Museums) and Chief Librarian at the University of Alberta, expressed that “Kathleen’s contributions to her institution, to CARL and other organizations, and to libraries and librarianship illustrate a career exemplified by focus, engagement, contribution, and a sincere desire to serve the profession and our organizations. Moreover, she does all of this with grace, humility, and generosity.”

In reference to her participation on CARL’s Strengthening Capacity Committee, Vivian Lewis, University Librarian at McMaster University, stated that Dr. DeLong “is a dedicated and generous member of the group – always ready to contribute her knowledge to improve our working relationship with the Deans and Directors of Canadian library schools and to enhance the lived experience of the CARL library workforce. She brings a focus on evidence and professional values to all conversations.”

Her engagement extends well beyond Canada onto the international stage. Over her long career, she has served on a number of international committees, boards, and special interest groups, including the ALA Committee on Accreditation, the ALA Committee on the Status of Women in Libraries, the ALA Council,  the ALA Library Leadership & Management Editorial Board, the ARL Academy Advisory Committee and Position Description Advisory Board, the International Federation of Library Association’s Education & Training Section, the ASIS&T Thomson Reuters Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Scholarship Committee, and the Executive Committee of the Association for Library & Information School Education.  While volunteering extensively, she is also a much sought-after speaker at numerous international conferences including ACRL, ALA, ARL, ALISE and the International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference.

CARL would like to congratulate Dr. DeLong on her receipt of this award and would like to thank ProQuest for their generous ongoing support to the CARL Award.