February 28, 2018 – The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) was very pleased to see a range of new investments in Budget 2018 that aim to strengthen research, innovation and reconciliation in Canada.
The budget delivers a significant response to the recommendations in the Naylor Panel’s Fundamental Science Review Report, advancing many of the key areas requiring new investment. CARL applauds the significant and strategic funding directed to the federal granting councils and the Canada Foundation for Innovation, and supports the long-term, collaborative, and interdisciplinary policy directions that shape this new funding.
Of particular interest to CARL is the $572M that has been earmarked to support a Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy for Canada. “Reflecting the recommendations of the Leadership Council on Digital Research Infrastructure, in which CARL played an active role, this new funding will strengthen the DRI ecosystem and help Canadian researchers contribute to a more innovative and internationally competitive Canada in the future,” said CARL President Donna Bourne-Tyson.
Other aspects of the budget that align with CARL’s interests include support to Library and Archives Canada’s partnership on a shared new landmark building with Ottawa Public Library; the many commitments related to indigenous populations, including acknowledgement of the need to explore ways to more respectfully manage traditional knowledge; and support for an Intellectual Property Strategy in Canada that includes modest new funding to the Copyright Board to increase its transparency, timeliness and reflection of the public interest.