October 10, 2018 – The Canadian Association of Research Libraries’ Core Competencies Working Group is conducting a survey to gain important insights for re-drafting the 2010 document, “Core Competencies for 21st Century CARL Librarians.”
Feedback received through the survey will complement information compiled during the two in-person and four virtual focus group sessions, which have been held across the country.
This is an opportunity for academic librarians at all levels and human resources professionals, who have not had the opportunity to participate in a focus group or who have additional feedback to contribute, to have their voices heard. As such, please circulate this message widely.
The deadline to complete the survey is October 25th.
Link to the survey: https://form.simplesurvey.com/f/s.aspx?s=11aa8b11-913b-4aa4-a96f-74e20fe75baf
For more information:
Julie Morin
Project Officer
Canadian Association of Research Libraries
613.482.9344 x 107