[Update (April 15): You can now view a list of upcoming sessions in this series as well as archived sessions from the past few years on this site’s Webinars and Community Calls page. Please note that additional sessions are in the works and will be added once they are confirmed.]
As part of CARL’s efforts to support our member libraries during the COVID-19 outbreak, starting in April 2020, we are planning to offer regular webinars and community calls on topics of interest to the various library communities of practise that we support.
Session topics may relate to library assessment, research by librarians, scholarly communications, open repositories, open education, and copyright — or other themes you might suggest.
These sessions will be free and open to all — CARL members and non-members. They will be recorded when feasible so they can be accessed at any time.
If you would like to propose a topic for either a webinar or a community call, kindly communicate with one of CARL’s Program Officers, Lise Brin () or Julie Morin ().