Open Repositories Working Group Update – July 2022

Open Repositories Working Group Update – July 2022

The CARL Open Repositories Working Group (ORWG) has several task groups involved in a range of  activities.

Mapping the Repository Landscape Task Group

The group engaged in conversations about the complexities of shared repository infrastructures, leading to the preparation of an internal report “Repositories in Canada: Summary of Current State.”

OpenAire Task Group

The OpenAIRE Task Group has completed the pilot implementation phase. Several repositories have adopted OpenAIRE guidelines and are now harvested by OpenAIRE. The group has completed its final report and is working on developing a plan for expanding the CARL-OpenAIRE collaboration beyond pilot institutions and ensuring its sustainability in the future.

Task Group for Community-Building and Engagement

During this period, the Community Building and Engagement Taskgroup reflected on its terms of reference and goals for 2022/23. On June 13, the Taskgroup hosted the webinar Canadian DSpace User Group Presents: So It’s Time to Upgrade DSpace. Featuring speakers from Vancouver Island University and the University of Toronto, the webinar was attended by over 50 members of the Canadian repository community.