Communications Community of Practice

Established in 2022, the Communications Community of Practice (CoP), also known as the CommUNITY, brings together library workers and other colleagues from Canadian academic institutions working or interested in communications. The goals of the CoP are to connect, provide information sharing, and grow expertise and capacity across Canada.

The CoP is managed by a Steering Committee of individuals from the community who meet on a monthly basis to organize community calls, roundtables, workshops, and/or other forms of community engagement. They also create and provide access to resources for the community of practice as related to their activities (e.g., links to presentations, shared resources, etc.). To learn more about the Steering Committee, see their Terms of Reference.

To join this community of practice and stay informed about the group’s upcoming events and ongoing activities, you can join COMMS-CARL-L, the Communications Community of Practice discussion list, which is open to anyone in Canadian libraries and academic and scholarly organizations who is involved or interested in library communications.

Steering Committee Members

  • Lisa Abram (University of Victoria), co-chair
  • Kristine Power (Memorial University of Newfoundland), co-chair
  • Ann Liang (University of Saskatchewan)
  • Taleen Aktorosian (CARL Support)

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for the next Communi-tea event in March 2025!

Past Events
