Call for Expressions of Interest in Participating on the 2019 Canadian Library Assessment Workshop Programming Committee

The Assessment Committee – Continuing Education Working Group of the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) is seeking expressions of interest for participation on the programming committee for the upcoming Canadian Library Assessment Workshop, to be held October 22-24, 2019 at the University of Windsor.

The biennial Canadian Library Assessment Workshop advances CARL’s mission to support and develop outcomes-based measures to demonstrate library impact on research, teaching and learning, through the delivery of assessment-related programming, information sharing and support for relevant research. The workshop will be developed to interest a range of academic and research libraries engaged in assessment. This year it will focus on qualitative assessment methods. Traditionally, the workshop program has been comprised of two to three hour sessions focused on a range of current topics of interest to librarians in the realm of assessment.

We are searching for participants to form the workshop’s Programming Committee. In addition to library professionals, CARL welcomes participation from other staff interested in supporting assessment in research libraries. A member of the Programming Committee will act as liaison to the CARL Continuing Education Working Group, who will oversee the direction of the Canadian Library Assessment Workshop

If this opportunity is of interest to you, please contact the library director at your institution and, if they are in agreement, ask them to send your nomination to Sarah Wilkinson at CARL ( 613-482-9344 ext. 105) by November 26 2018.