January 28, 2025 – The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) seeks expressions of interest from 6-8 representatives from CARL member libraries to join the Open Education Community of Practice Steering Committee. Members typically serve a two-year term and should be able to commit 5-10 hours per month to advance the work of the team.
The Open Education Community of Practice (OE CoP) forms out of the Open Education Working Group (OEWG), which was originally established in 2019 by CARL to support the development and leadership of Canadian librarians in open education. After completing its third mandate in 2024, the OEWG proposed a new Community of Practice to continue strengthening the work in this area. The newly formed Open Education Community of Practice (OE CoP) will aim to continue the OEWG’s mission by fostering a national network of open education practitioners. This new CoP will facilitate communication, information sharing, and best practices. More information can be found in the Steering Committee’s Terms of Reference. We thank the dedicated members of CARL’s OEWG for their commitment and invaluable contributions to advancing open education.
To apply, please send a brief statement outlining your interest in serving on this group and your experience in the area of open education in libraries to Taleen Aktorosian, CARL Communications and Project Officer, by February 14, 2025. Members will be selected by the current OER lead director-member of the Advancing Teaching and Learning Committee, the Open Education Visiting Program Officer, and CARL support staff, with the goal of ensuring diversity of members across institutional size, language of instruction, and location; in knowledge, experience and/or responsibilities; and career stage. Priority will be given to individuals from CARL member libraries, however we will also accept a few individuals from non-CARL member libraries. The CARL Visiting Program Officer for Open Education will also serve as a member of the Steering Committee.