September 20, 2024 – The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) is pleased to welcome Stephanie Savage as Visiting Program Officer (VPO) for Copyright and Other Public Policy Matters.
Stephanie Savage (MLIS, MA) is a Scholarly Communications and Copyright Services Librarian at the University of British Columbia. In her role she provides copyright education to the university community and helps researchers navigate the publication process while encouraging the adoption of open practices and dissemination strategies. She is a member of the Directory of Open Access Journals Council and Co-Chair of the Coalition Publica Library Users Group, working with these organizations to help build and maintain an open and equitable academic publishing ecosystem. Stephanie is also an advocate for user rights and has conducted research on libraries’ role in legislative reform and possible legislative solutions to further open access. She has worked with CARL in various capacities over the years, including most recently serving on the working group responsible for the Canadian adaptation of the Code of Best Practices for Fair Dealing in Open Educational Resources.
As CARL VPO for Copyright and Public Policy, Stephanie will work with the CARL Policy and Advocacy Committee to help develop communications related to federal advocacy efforts and advance CARL’s copyright initiatives, advocating for copyright legislation that is fair to users and workable for libraries.
Stephanie will begin her VPO role as of October 1st, 2024.