Open Education Leadership Essentials Workshop in a Box

In January 2020, the Canadian Association of Research Libraries’ Open Education Working Group (CARL OEWG) held a two-day in-person Open Education Leadership Essentials workshop. This event brought together academic librarians from across Canada for an opportunity to build their open education leadership skills.

The CARL OEWG has repurposed the training materials and created the Open Education Leadership Essentials Workshop-in-a-Box (OeLE WIAB). This openly-licensed curriculum can be adapted in whole or in part at the regional or institutional level.

The OeLE WIAB’s learning materials currently exist on Google Drive to allow librarians and library workers to easily create copies and adapt the resources. The OeLE WIAB includes:

  • A facilitator’s guide
  • Slides
  • Worksheets
  • Detailed teaching plans that cover in-person & virtual synchronous delivery of the materials
  • And additional resources to support practitioners in replicating a virtual or in-person OeLE at their institutions.

The topics covered by the OeLE WIAB include:

  • Primer for Open Education
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Developing Teams
  • Communications and Institutional Change
  • Critical Conversations in Open Education
  • Supporting Open Education Projects and Programs
  • Open Education Advocacy
  • Setting up a Lightning Talk Session

To learn more about using the OeLE WIAB, please consult the Facilitator’s Planning Guide. Please email if you would like to report your use and/or adaptation of the OeLE WIAB, or if you would like to provide feedback on the project.